The Wardrobe’s Best Dressed: “how to get over” by t’ai freedom ford



This selection comes from the debut collection how to get over, available from Red Hen Press. Order your copy here.

t’ai freedom ford is a New York City high school English teacher and Cave Canem Fellow. Her poetry has appeared or is forthcoming in Drunken BoatTupelo Quarterly, Winter Tangerine, ApogeeThe African American Review, Vinyl, Muzzle, RHINO, Poetry and others. t’ai lives and loves in Brooklyn, but hangs out digitally at: Her first poetry collection, how to get over, is available from Red Hen Press.

Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie is the author of Dear Continuum: Letters to a Poet Crafting Liberation (Grand Concourse Press) and Karma’s Footsteps (Flipped Eye Publishing). Her work has been published in North American Review, WSQ: Women’s Studies Quarterly, Black Renaissance Noire, VIDA, Crab Orchard Review, BOMB, Paris/Atlantic, and Listen Up! (One World Ballantine). Ekere has travelled across the United States sharing her poetry and ideas about healing. She has taught in New York, London, Amsterdam and Rundu, Namibia. Ekere earned an MFA from Mills College in 2002. She is a mother of three girls and an enthusiast of plant medicine making. Her cinepoems, herbal classes, and other work can be found here.


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